Hi, I'm Kshitij 👋🏻

I'm a computer scientist, developer, mechanical engineer, minimalist, eternal student, mentor, leader and optimist.

I love to build things and solve problems. Challenging projects motivate me. My passion lies in answering engineering questions using numerical optimizaton and machine learning through self-guided research. I thrive under pressure and am dedicated to delivering exceptional results.

Over the past 14 years:

I have worked in Formula One, automotive and engineering software industries. My roles have covered both the computer science and engineering aspects of my academic background.


I currently work as a senior developer at Bosch, where I lead the development of simulation apps for testing embedded active safety systems in cars.

Recent Work Experience
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Recent side projects
See all side projects
  • Pyro
    Weather data visualization console app.

    C++ • NLOpt • Catch2
  • Doodle Pad
    Simple drawing web app for children.

    JavaScript • p5.js
  • Website for Lions Home for Blind
    Complete website for the charity.

    HTML • CSS • JS • jQuery • anime.js
Let's Connect

If you want to get in touch with me about something or just to say hi, send me an email.